New Ideas and a New Vision

Hey there everyone. Long time no post.

So for those who may not know, I moved to Italy. I packed up my entire life in three crammed suitcases, and changed my entire life by buying one plane ticket. I was unfortunately unable to bring all of my 9 journals that have been the core of this blog. In other words, I have nothing to rewrite and post from my diaries. I know, I loved embarrassing myself too, but for now, I am putting a hold on the “How I Met Myself” blog. Hopefully when I return back to the States I can pick them up and start writing again!

So that was the bad news, but there is good news as well! As an American living in Italy, I have learned and experienced so much more than I can wrap my head around. So for my sake, and maybe for other wanderlust expats living abroad, this could be a helpful blog. I have came across so many blogs about traveling and creating a life abroad, and I hope that I can create something somewhat original. Everyone has a different story to tell and I would like to share my crazy life in Italy with you all. Keep your eyes pealed for my new blog, “Gocce di Meriggio– Drops of Shade at Noon“.

Check it out!

Ciao for now,

Sarah Lorraine Thompson

Diary 2, Entry 12.

July 6, 2005

Dear Diary,

It has been OK through this week. Tomorrow I am going to the Saint Catherine’s Carnival wit Miriam and Jill. I can’t wait! Then Jill and I are going to Fair Haven, New York, well she has to come over my house then sleep over Friday night. (All of this on Friday) but carnival is Thursday, today is Wednesday. I can’t wait! I am a little worried if Jill doesn’t like it. O yeah my dad and brother, Jeff, came back from Philmont, but he had to go straight to Delaware for business and missed the fireworks :(…….the fireworks! The fireworks were great. My Nana and Pop-pop had to miss them because they had to get ready for Fair Haven. The Fishers, Mazzies and the Fields were there. Matt almost pushed me in the water! Then my little brother, Michael, brought these fireworks things. They were cool and had awesome colors. I can’t wait until tomorrow and Friday! My dad is also going to take me to get my nails done! (French manicure) So ya, if anything happens I will tell you ASAP! See ya!



Diary 2, Entry 11. Chapter 31: Summer!

July 3, 2005

Dear Diary,

I am so sorry I didn’t talk to you in awhile. I was very busy. So anyway last weekend Katie R. came to my boat (down the shore). It was fun. I went to the “Casino” in Fantasy Island. Me and Katie spilt the tickets up. (I had more! hehe!) She got a picture frame, when I got a dolphin statue for my collection. We also went to the water park. We went under the bucket like a million times! It was fun. I also found out that Jill is definitely coming to Fair Haven! I seriously can’t wait! A few days ago, Jill came over my house and we rode our bikes, twice, to Edibles and Wawa. Then on AIM we looked up Jesse McCartney’s screename. (We both love him) Then I talked to a person who is going to be famous. She is really nice and her screename is Jeremyismine414. Her name is Jess. Then this one girl asked for Jesse’s screename and I said that I am BFF’S with him and lived right next to him. And my screename is on the celeb list and I feel so famous! Even though I am not! 🙂 I also met this very nice guy, Kevin, he likes to talk to me a lot and thinks I am interesting! (ooh la la) So yah…

I have met many new friends. O-yeah I took Katie to the “Show Place” it was awesome. I want to work there when I get older! Katie does too. She seems to copy me so much now a days. It is so annoying! I also said I might become famous someday because a fashion designer, who does famous clothes for famous people might know some people looking for actors! And then Katie is like “wait…for both of us OK?” She is pretty good too. So yah. Tell ya all about the other days.



P.S. I am at the boat right now and tomorrow is 4th of July!

Diary 2, Entry 10. Chapter 30: him

June 16, 2005

Dear Diary,

Hey, I have a lot to tell you a lot of stuff. Ok, you know how I told Amanda to ask Brian for me?! Well any way she did and he said “I don’t know” which means (what Amanda said) that he likes me but is afraid to show the truth, but I really think that he doesn’t like me and doesn’t want to say “no” because he doesn’t want to make me feel bad. (He is too nice to say “no”) Maybe he still thinks Amanda likes him too and doesn’t want her to feel bad or something because I don’t know if she told Brian that she doesn’t. That is also why he really doesn’t want to make me feel bad because he knows that anything he tells Amanda will go straight to me. That is why, when Amanda was talking to him, he tried to change the subject, at least I think. Then I went to Amanda’s grandparent’s and swam in their pool. It was cool. I also saw where the hot guy lives and ate hot dogs. I also went into their basement and showed Amanda some gymnastic moves. That is the place right next to June Fete. Then I came to Amanda’s house and played Sims. Then I had to go home. After I got home I talked to Brian on AIM and he did say that Amanda was talking to him about going out with me. So yeah I am not sure what to do. If anything happens I will tell you right away!



Diary 2, Entry 9.

June 15, 2005

Dear Diary,

Jill left today this morning because she had to go help her mom at Dairy Queen. Her mom owns the place. (That is pretty cool) Later today I am going to a soccer swim party because it is the meeting for the new team. Michelle made the soccer team too (travel) I can’t wait! Well anyway that reminds about the softball party- it was at Katie T.’s house. It was a cool party for the end of the softball season. We had pizza, ice cream, shirts (that we made). I didn’t finish mine though. In the pool we played all these cool games. She had a diving board, which was awesome! I can dive really well! I am surprised about that because I haven’t been to a pool in like 5 years! Katie had the nose goggles and flippers, so I used them. It was cool because we did hand stands under water in the deep end. O-my-gosh, guess what?! Amanda, my good friend, is going to ask Brian for me! She is the best! She sort of still likes him, but as a friend she says. I am so nervous because he probably will say “no”. If he did say yes it is probably is because he wants a girlfriend and is desperate. He doesn’t even like me. The only reason he danced with me at the CYO dance is probably because he didn’t want me to feel bad. When Jill asked Brian that if he liked me he said “yes”, but he might be referring to Sarah B. (probably) So ya…O-yeah my friend Erin told me to ask him out in the very beginning of the summer because if he says “No” (probably will happen) he might forget it over the summer and if he said “yes” (I doubt that he will) I could go out with Brian over the summer! But I wouldn’t count on it. I would understand if he said “no”, though. Well I can’t stop thinking about his answer. (I can bet $5 that he will say “No”- I am almost positive!) Well see ya! Bye!



Diary 2, Entry 8. Chapter 29: Summer Vacation!

June 14, 2005

Dear Diary,

School is over! I am so happy! I do miss some of my friends, but I am glad school is over. I am at home with Jill (I know it is scary but we are very good friends) We were on AIM, played Twister (it was sooooo much fun. The funny part was when Jill’s butt was in my face). Then we came upstairs and I asked out Andrew for Jill but he said No. (I hate him) I use to live right next to him ever since I was little in my old house. We were like best friends and I barely remember him. We had good times back then. I just realized that he was alive this year because he is, well, was, in Jill and I’s homeroom. My mom told all the stories about us. We, well, I use to live right next to Hallowell, but wasn’t old enough to go there and I moved right to Simmons. I always live right next to a school. Well see ya! Me and Jill have to go to bed. See ya, bye!



P.S. Jill knows about the Brian thing, everything! She is like the only one who understands me. There would be no point for me to be here if Jill wasn’t my friend! She might go with me to Fair Haven, New York! Can’t wait!

Diary 2, Entry 7.

June 12, 2005

Dear Diary,

For this weekend I went to Virginia for my cousin’s wedding. It took four long hours to get there. The wedding church was small but cool. My cousin, Jenny Ball, looked very pretty in her bride dress. Her fiancee, or well husband now, is a surfer dude and has a southern accent. (ya’ll) He is cool! My other cousin, Kerryn, is one of the flower girls. She looked cute! The after party was cool too. The house was huge and fancy! 5 levels and it’s backyard has a huge pond with a dance patio. It is like worth over a million dollars. OK there was also 50 servants, gourmet meals, it was awesome. When the wife throw the bouquet, I caught it by accident! Me and my cousin, Lauren, moved out of the way to not catch it, but it hit the tree and hit me right in the face!

The house also had disco lights and cool music. I felt like I had a block party, I was fancy and rich and it was like my house. We also had lightning bugs show there was millions of them! The house had a huge hammock and a bush with lights. It was like a huge bush hut. It was awesome! I love that place! When I got back i forgot that June Fate was this weekend and Amanda wanted me to come but I couldn’t because I got back like by the time it was over. Those boys from last year were flirting with us and checking us out! They live right next to Amanda’s grandparents house. I went last year there in their pool. It is awesome they are rich. With a movie theater, water ice machine. It is also cool. I feel bad not going though. Well see ya! One and a half days left of school!



Un Bel Annuncio.

A beautiful announcement indeed.

I am taking a moment out of diary entries to say something I never thought I would say. (At least not until this May):

I am going to Italy to spend my 22nd birthday with my wonderful boyfriend!

I have awhile until I mention him in my diaries (Diary 9 to be exact), and you will find out our story soon enough. But long story short, I studied abroad last spring in Rome, stayed and worked in Sorrento, Italy this past summer, and at the bar I worked at there was a bartender named Luigi, and before I knew it, we were spending all of our time together even outside of work. Then one day I realized I loved him and not long after, he discovered the same feelings towards me. We have been together in a serious relationship since this past August, and I was so fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving and his birthday with him when he came to visit the States for the first time with his close friends, whom I have become close with as well. After staying with me for about a month and a half, he returned to his family back in Sant’agata- a village on top of the cliffs near the town of Sorrento- for Christmas.

It was hard to see him go because I didn’t know if he would be able to come visit me again in February for my birthday. Little did I know, he surprised me and asked, “How would you feel if you came to Italy for your birthday?”… How would I feel?! Absolutely ecstatic! So today, Luigi bought me my plane ticket to visit him-arriving in Napoli on February 2, and returning home on February 19.

I would honestly stay longer, but unfortunately (and fortunately) this is my last semester of college. So my plan is to graduate this May (as of now, I am), and after graduation I would return to Italy to work this summer in Sorrento. Then after the summer ultimately, move back to the States with Luigi and find a place together.

Looking forward to the rest of my life is an understatement.



Diary 2, Entry 6. Chapter 28: End of 6th Grade

June 10, 2005

Dear Diary,

Field day was the best! When I played soccer I scored two goals and saved two. We won 5 to 1. I played against the Black team (“B day”) I was on Red for prisoner tag. I won and we didn’t have to play the last round because we ultimately won either way. Then the after those games there was a sprinkler and got soaked. The afternoon activities were awesome too. They did two rounds for boys then girls. Well Brian was in Dizzy Izzy he fell on the ground right in front of me. He smiled at me.

At the water relay, which, Earthkeepers won that, my uncle (a gym teacher at my middle school) got the whole jug of water and dumped it on me! It felt sooooo good. After that I was in tug-a-war and Earthkeepers won that, but the champions were the Investigators. The bedrock team, then Earthkeepers, then the Timetravelers. I tide with Titans for third though. I got really bad sunburn which really, really hurt.

The next day was the talent show. I was so excited. I told that we were doing respect and we did but we were in PM. Brian was doing “YMCA” with “his band” just like at Horsham day. In PM we had to wait in the back in order and Brian’s group was after us. We talked in the beginning of the PM area and when we got up there, I sang great and everybody stood up. The applause was long and loud too! Everybody said I did great! Even Brian! He did good too! We wore feathery scarfs and we looked hot!! hahah Then we got our year books. And guess what my picture is right next to Brian because it is alphabetical order. He is not as hot as last year, it is OK. My picture is smoking hot!! hahaha Why am I talking like this ?! 

Well anyway, he didn’t yet but I hope on Monday he will. A lot of my friends signed and Anna is moving California! I am sooo going to miss her! I went to her party after Horsham Day. It was cool! Then the next, o-wait, at Horsham Day I saw the fireworks with Katie and Chelsea. I saw them in 3-D glasses it was awesome it was cool. It had light there were rainbows and popped out toward your face! I am never going to picture fireworks normal again! 

The next day, It was wear your Hawaiian shirt day. I wore a flower necklace and hair clip with a really cool shirt! I gave the extras to Katie and Chelsea. Then direct study we finished up the talent show with the teachers doing the YMCA. It was so funny because they had no clue what to do! My teacher Mrs. Reese was so funny! Then after direct study we watched “Remember the Titans” Everyone kept talking so we couldn’t listen. (Now I know how Mrs. Reese feels!) So some people signed my yearbook and I decorated it too. OMG guess what…? Brian is single!!! He is not going out with Sarah B and in his buddy profile it says “single and haten it!” So he might go out with me but I have to ask him on the last day of school. Well my friend Erin said I should because if he says no he will forget about it over the summer and if he says yes then I could go out with him in the summer! (What a good idea) hahaha Well I will tell you if anything happens ASAP! See ya! Bye!



Diary 2, Entry 5.

June 7, 2005

Dear Diary,

Hey! I want to tell you about drama club. Well in drama club I did a song “Marry A Man Today” with Chelsea. It was fun. In “Belle” I was a silly girl, that was fun. I sort of use to like Kevin (don’t ask).

At Academic night I almost killed Brian H. with a volleyball. We were laughing so hard that we fell on the floor!

The band concert was pretty cool. Brian did notice me but I was not sure if he likes me as usual. Well 5 days left of school. I am going to miss 6th grade it was interesting. Well as i told you it has been very weird. Well got to go eat dinner. Bye!

